Equipment Capabilities
- Shear 22' x 1" thick mild steel (3/4" stainless steel)
- Plate Bending Roll Up to 12 ft. Diameter x 1 1/4" thick x 10 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 225 ton x 10 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 1000 ton x 12 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 1000 ton x 14 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 1500 ton x 22 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 1500 ton x 34 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 2000 ton x 30 ft. lengths
- Press Brake 2000 ton x 26 ft. lengths
- Welding Equipment 25' from .125W to 4.0W, GTAW, SAW, GMAW, PAW
- Heat Treatment 60" to 42" x 144" 2400 Degrees F. with water quench
- Heat Treatment 60" x 109" x 300" 2400 Degrees F. with water quench
- Materials Handling Up to 80,000 lbs. Per item (s)
- Hydrotest Equipment to 48" OD x 46' Lg